Monday, February 13, 2012

~JB-KL-Korea~Day 1~Part 1~

Ngan begpack besar and small back pack kat depan kitaorg dah jadi cam sandwich..tunggu bas kat sri putri tu..orang ramai dok tengok jek..dah cam rupa budak lari dari umah pun ada..hehe..

3 orang punya beg..macam ni punya banyak...:p

Bas sampai pukul 12.30pm..lambat sikit dari yang sepatutnya...tak pe la..kita orang pun ada ample of time..tapi punya la laju bas tu, dah cam pelesit..kitaorang duduk seat ke2 dari depan..aku banyak kali terjaga kecut perut tengok bas tu dok mencilok..Sedar-sedar jam baru pukul 3.30am..tapi kitaorang dah sampai TBS..awal betul la duration  normally 4 jam JB-KL..driver bas ni leh buat 3 jam jek..perrhhh..mana la aku tak kecut perut..

Pusing-pusing kat TBS tu nak cari port best nak melanding..surau tutup dari kul 12tgh mlm sampai kul 5 pagi..hurm..pusing-pusing kat area tu..ramai jugak orang tido kat sini..last2 kitaorg tido belakang kaunter..hehe..tersorok sikit, lg pun nk cari port soket nak charge tepon..

Budak merempat lari dari umah..;p

Best pulak kopi 7E ni..

Tapi tido atas lantai situ tak best..lantai dia sejuk sangat la..haha..pas tu last2 aku dah puas golek2 tak leh jugak tido..melepak beli kopi kat 7E..sampai subuh..pas tukar baju, sembahyang subuh..kita org tumpang tido kat surau..kebetulan tak ramai orang kat situ..yang best nya tak sejuk sangat dalam surau tu...hehe..

Dalam pukul 8am, aliya datang..jadi sugar mummy kitaorg..actually kitaorang mintak tolong dia tukarkan duit MYR-KRW..sebab kat JB exchange rate mahal..kat KL jugak yang, awal2 lg kitaorg dah transfer duit kat dia..

Majlis penyampaian hadiah dari 'sugar mami' kami..a map of korea...hehe..

Ni la dia duit bekalan aku..720,000 KRW
Time kasih banyak2 kat sugar mami kitaorg ni sebab dia bergigihan mencarikan the cheapest money, next time korang boleh la try usha2 ARS tu..address as per kat header resit tu..kat area Masjid India..

Lepas breakfast kat hailam kopitiam, kitaorang pun bergerak ke midvalley jap..nak beli barang sikit..malangnya train penuh giler..sorang dapat naik while aku and pae terpaksa tunggu next train..

Next train sampai dah pukul 11am..perhh, punya la penuh, tapi kitaorg tetap jgk menyelit..sampai kat station midvalley dah lebih kurang pukul 11.30am...sib baik member kami sorang lagi tu sempat beli apa yang dia nak dan terus tunggu kita orang dekat station tu..tak buang masa, tunggu next train ke KL central..Bila jek sampai kat KL central, sempat jugak pegi money changer tukar duit RM - USD..kena jgk bwk USD sikit wat2 backup..pas tukar cause la sempat singgah beli tapau subway..hehe..

Dari subway, berlari ke terminal Aerobus ke LCCT..time masa tu dalam pukul 11.45am..perjalanan takde la sangat jem pun, sebab pagi ari sabtu..kitaorang sampai LCCT lebih kurang pukul 12.45 ptg..

Check in luggage pun lambat jugak..sebab ramai orang..abes check in dah pukul 1.30ptg..terus ke surau..sembahyang jamak & qasar zohor ngan asar..keluar jek surau..kitaorg dengar last call for Incheon flight..aikk..baru pukul 2.10pm..apa lagi..berlari mencicit la kitaorang ni..

Sepanjang dalam flight, aku dok menyembang ngan akak dok sebelah aku..banyak sembang pasal tempat2 dia dah pegi.. akak tu seges naik bas bila sampai nanti, sebab it?..rasanya aku baca LP dok ckp naik subway lagi cheaper..yang aku risau kalau tak sempat jek sampai hostel kalau dah kul 12.30 semua train stop.lagi pun kitaorg tak stanby backup plan kalau tak sempat train and tak buat research pulak kalau naik bas, macam mana nak ke hostel..

Sembang bukan main ngan akak tu, sedar2 dengar announce dari pilot akan landing lagi setengah jam..aik..kejap jek rasanya travel 6 jam sbb sibuk menyembang..Dijangka pukul 9.31pm waktu tempatan, suhu -4 degree...dalam perut flight tu pun aku dh gigil-gigil inikan pulak nak sampai ke -4degree..

Turun jek flight, kebetulan yang sama, banyak giler flight lain pun sampai..maka beratur la panjang giler kat imigrasion epot tu..sampai jek turn aku, dah pukul 10.40pm..amik beg, pegi 7-eleven top up tiket T-money..kitaorg top up 25,00KRW..pas tu berlari pegi subway station..*cerita pasal T-Money ni boleh baca entry si Fatt..dia ada bagi explanation yang details*

Pemandangan dalam subway dari Incheon International Airport.

Apalah agaknya nasib 3 orang ni yek..

Dalam train tu, kitaorang tumpang tanya ajushi macam mana nak ke "Jangno-three-Ga" ajushi tu sebut, "Jangno-sam-ga"..owh, maknanya 3 tu pronounce as "sam" kat sini..nasib baik la ajushi tu boleh speaking english fluently..baru balik dari singapore, business trip..oohh..patut la..maka, dah alang2 ajushi ni boleh cakap english, siap sembang macam-macam ngan ajushi tu..ajushi tu cakap nasib baik kami sampai ari ni, sebab semalam seoul extremely sejuk, -17 degree..dia kata sekarang ni cuaca sangat tak menentu...aku memang ada jugak baca dlm news, tp alang-alang dah beli tiket flight, kami teruskan jugak..

Berbalik pada direction punya cerita, menurut ajushi tu, dari airport subway, turun kat gimpo airport, pas tu tukar train ke line 5...dari gimpo station ke jangno-sam-ga tu dalam 30 min jek..owh maka aku lega..sebab aku tengok jam baru pukul 11.20mlm time tu..and aku tak nak jadi macam fatt, kena halau train, sebab train akan stop bila2 jek bila dah kul 12.30am...sampai gimpo, ajushi tu tunjukkan jalan nak ke line 5..just follow purple color 1st word in Korean..hehe..

okeeh..skang dah sampai line 5..tunggu train..

Tunggu dalam 5 min, train pun sampai..maka ngan gumbira ke legaan kami pun naik la..baru jalan 4 station..tetiba kat screen monitor tulis station: Ujangsan, LAST STATION..aku ngan pae ternganga..LAST STATION!!???..serentak terjerit..aku terus tengok jam tangan yang di adjust ikut local time dlm flight tadi..aik, baru kul 11.50pm..errk, mana aku dapat info kul 12.30am ni??..*tepuk dahi*
Jangno-three-Ga station aku bulatkan kaler hijau...
tapi time tu kami baru jek sampai kat station tanda BIRU tu..jauh lagi perjalanannya...:'(

Pas tu semua orang dalam train tu turun..kami pulak masih tercengang..perhh!!..dah macam nasib fatt ni..pas tu staff train tu dok buat sign pangkah ngan tangan..dah cam ultraman menembak..kitaorg pun kuar dari train terpinga-pinga..tak tau nak g mana..staff train tu ada 3 orang tu dok keliling kitaorang..sib baik dalam ramai-ramai tu ada sorang pandai cakap english..dok tanya nak pegi mana..aku tunjuk kat map..pas tu dia suruh naik taxi, aku cakap la tak nak, mahal sangat sebab dah midnight...aku tanya agak-agak berapa cost kalau naik taxi..dia kata 70,000KRW..whaattt??...NOOOO!! its too expensive for us...Pas tu ajushi tu terus laju jek jalan.."follow me", sebab bila dia toleh tengok kami masih berdiri clueless kat situ...kitaorg ber3 pun mengekor la ajushi tu ngan beg berat..Rupanya dia escort kitaorang naik ke atas..aku cakap ngan dia terima kasih and sorry tak tau la berapa kali, sebab jauh sebenarnya yang dia dok escort kitaorang ni..pas tu dia bagi tau, dia pun selalu backpack..sebelum ni dia pernah ke Mississippi dengan europe..owh, patut la pandai cakap english..pas tu dia cakap, dia paham perasaan kitaorang, bila dalam keadaan macam ni, sebab dia pun pernah merasa..terharu betul aku..sampai jek tingkat atas, keluar dari subway, makkkk aiiii sejuuukkkkkk!!!!!..terus hidung aku berair!!..masalah sikit aku ni, hidung aku sangat sensetip ngan sejuk..

Benda yang paling aku risaukan akhirnya berlaku jugak...Kami menurut jek ajushi tu dengan penuh harapan..ngan temp yang terlalu sejuk cam tu, ngan kepenatan, ngan kelaparan our last meal cuma lah breakfast..pas tu condition jalan yang ber ice *sbb a day before temp sangat sejuk, so tepi2 jalan semua ber ice and licin*..aku dah banyak kali nak tergelincir...hurmm..macam mana ni??



zzaina66 said... Best Blogger Tips

waah best nye gi jalan. duit sini convert duit korea berape?

Kasawari said... Best Blogger Tips

perghghhhh.. ini idaman saya backpack ker Korea.. best best!! cepat smbg entri

YanTie AhMad said... Best Blogger Tips

RM 1 = lebih kurang kena pandai2 survey..sbb kedai money changer boleh up, aku dh survey kat tenet, ramai rekemen kedai ni la..ada option lain, kat midvalley,kedai tu nama WAWASAN..

YanTie AhMad said... Best Blogger Tips

Hehe..penat tak hilang lg ni..baru sampai smlm..takat yg dh buat draft boleh la publish awal..hehe..

Al Hadi said... Best Blogger Tips

woi dengkinya! plan trip tak bgtau awal2

YanTie AhMad said... Best Blogger Tips

Alamak bro..tiket beli dr thn lepas lg..plan main hentam jek time la yek..kita g time spring/autum

Bayang said... Best Blogger Tips

ahahaha.. muka aku memang minta penampo !! eh kak, membantu x map yg aku bg tu?

YanTie AhMad said... Best Blogger Tips

@Bayang ko membantu bila kami sampai seoul..tapi takde gambo as bukti pulak...hehe..

just.HY said... Best Blogger Tips

wahhh dah sampai korea! tahniah2..ape perasaan anda? best kan? ade rase mcm nak pegi balik tak? hehehehe

Zura Rahman said... Best Blogger Tips

Bestnya jumpa ajushi...nezt wewkninsya allah i ke seoul. Tgh buat research feeling feeling nak gi mana

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Start immediatly.
All races are welcome..
Chinese malay indian
GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOr4rrw4a444rrR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +60102787492 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddies or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sug4rar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and shells holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO RM7500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA. +60102787492

Asian Dating Hookup said... Best Blogger Tips
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Asian Dating Hookup said... Best Blogger Tips

The best agent for sugar mummies and daddies hookup in malaysia is Mrs Sheila.. Am mr Ahmad Rizal am from malaysia and i live in Kajang please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia i have be scam by so many agent in malaysia i lost 70.000rm with fake sugar mummy agent in malaysia i lost my hard earn money by so many fake agencies in malaysia here we don't have two agent in malaysia the only good sugar mummy agent we have in malaysia here is Mrs Sheila she's the only agent who help me to hookup with one rich sugar mummmy in Selangor here in Cheras because my mummy she's from cheras, so friends kindly and quickly contact Mrs Sheila now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +60167288434 and don't forget to testify about her too. For the Hookup the only money i pay is just (850rm) for the Hookup FEE and there's no hiden fee after that, help me thank Mrs Sheila for helping me out..

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601128518673 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601128518673 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601128518673 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601128518673 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601128518673 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601128518673 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601128518673 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601128518673 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

herber m. fowler said... Best Blogger Tips

Adakah anda ingin membuat di atas Rm5500 sehari? .. Adakah anda bosan mendapatkan sedikit pendapatan? Adakah anda mempunyai semua yang diperlukan untuk membuat seorang wanita gembira di atas katil? ... di sini adalah satu-satunya peluang untuk menjadi kaya dan membuat wang sejuk dengan salah satu mumia gula terkaya di Malaysia whatsapp (+60109707274) dan dapatkan segera. kami mempunyai gula mumi yang berbeza dari semua kelas yang bersedia untuk membayar sebanyak Rm5500 setiap malam yang anda perlu lakukan adalah melakukan hubungan seks dengan wanita itu secara romantis secara romantis di atas katil dan dibayar untuk perkhidmatan anda kami menawarkan gula mumia / ayah / gay / lesbian di seluruh Malaysia.These wanita mereka bercerai dan wanita tunggal tidak ada risiko melibatkan kami perkhidmatan perpautan dan jangka panjang istilah hookup.applicant boleh membuat lebih dari Rm12,000 Sebulan. mumia gula dan ayah telah mengubah kehidupan ramai budak lelaki dan perempuan di Malaysia mumia membayar anda RM5500 setiap kali anda bertemu dengan usaha kami yang bersekongkol dalam 100% risiko bebas undang-undang. kami adalah salah satu agensi sah yang sah di Malaysia untuk apa-apa kaitan dengan segera (+60109707274) Ms alt dan terhubung .. katakan tidak kepada kemiskinan dan menjadi bos anda sendiri.

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601128518673 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601128518673 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601126651965 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601126651965 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601126651965 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601126651965 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601126307211 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601126307211 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601126307211 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601126307211 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +60169834133) now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +60169834133) payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +60169834133) for urgent hook up...

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +60169834133) now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +60169834133) payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +60169834133) for urgent hook up...

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +60169834133) now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +60169834133) payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +60169834133) for urgent hook up...

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

All my friends out there i will continue to post this message no
matter the time it will cost me. people fail to realise that the evil
they do will surely live with them especially we Malaysians . When you
visit the internet these days. You will be confused. You wont. Even
know whom to do business with online in the world anymore. Almost all
sugar mummy agents are scam but the only one that was able to deliver
by introducing me and two of my friends to a well to do sugar mummy is
< FRANK> am not a selfish type his WHATSAPP number is =(+905488241881 ) i
never wanted to be telling anybody about FRANK because i paid him
for hooking me up but i just feel that it's better i make you people
aware of whom to trust and do business with since people no longer
have conscience for their fellow brothers anymore just because of
money i believe the reason people go for sugar mummy and daddy is
because they don't have enough and still heartless people still rub
them of their hard earned money, GOD will surely reward them. The only
agent i trust who was able to hook me and two of my friends to sugar
mummies is FRANK with phone number +905488241881 he lives in
TURKEY. Please my friends out there don't fall a victim to any acclaim
agent if you fall a victim after reading this message. Just call
yourself a fool. This is the only sugar mummy agent i trust because he
has delivered and i recommend him for you. His Email is

All my friends out there i will continue to post this message no
matter the time it will cost me. people fail to realise that the evil
they do will surely live with them especially we Malaysians . When you
visit the internet these days. You will be confused. You wont. Even
know whom to do business with online in the world anymore. Almost all
sugar mummy agents are scam but the only one that was able to deliver
by introducing me and two of my friends to a well to do sugar mummy is
< FRANK> am not a selfish type his WHATSAPP number is =(+905488241881 ) i
never wanted to be telling anybody about FRANK because i paid him
for hooking me up but i just feel that it's better i make you people
aware of whom to trust and do business with since people no longer
have conscience for their fellow brothers anymore just because of
money i believe the reason people go for sugar mummy and daddy is
because they don't have enough and still heartless people still rub
them of their hard earned money, GOD will surely reward them. The only
agent i trust who was able to hook me and two of my friends to sugar
mummies is FRANK with phone number +905488241881 he lives in
TURKEY. Please my friends out there don't fall a victim to any acclaim
agent if you fall a victim after reading this message. Just call
yourself a fool. This is the only sugar mummy agent i trust because he
has delivered and i recommend him for you. His Email is

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601126307211 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601126307211 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

Hookup Agency said... Best Blogger Tips

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +60189813055) now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +60189813055) payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +60189813055) for urgent hook up...

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601126307211 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601126307211 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601126307211 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601126307211 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

Fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need sex satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap

Mummies available in all this location now 

Kuala Lumpur 
Negeri Sembilan

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

+601131427456 SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601131427456

RICH SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +601126307211 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +601126307211 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

Agent Fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful . We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours .

asia said... Best Blogger Tips

GET THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN SEEKING FOR FROM THE BEST MALAYSIA DATING AGENCY. CONTACT US ON ..WHATSAPP +60149498950 for urgent hook up if you are good in Bed.Do you really need a rich sexy sugar mummy or sugar daddy?are you handsome or beautiful?are you sexually strong ? do you need a rich sugar daddy or mummy that can completely change your life with money and influence? so get the opportunity to meet sugar mummies and daddy from all works of life, Oil ladies, Directors, Gold dealers, Cash money lenders and sare holders who are willing to pay as much as Rm7,000 TO Rm8,500 per night and get the best exclusive VIP arrangement anywhere in MALAYSIA.We have some rich sugar mummies and sugar daddies who are urgently looking for young men and young ladies to spend their Money on. Contact our Administrative VIA WHATSAPP +60149498950 FOR INSTANT HOOK UP in Malaysia

asia said... Best Blogger Tips

Gigolo services!!! WhatsApp +60149498950 GUARANTEED WEALTHY RICH SUGAR DADDY AND MUMMY/GAY/LESBIAN!!! Do you need sugar daddy/mummy for service? Contact Agent Fatimah WhatsApp +60149498950) You have sex with mummy and you Get paid for your services!!! RM5000-8000 two times in week and only pay for the registration fee rm1200 before hookup . Sugar mummy/daddy from MALAYSIA????/SINGAPORE????.

Agent Fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections.
Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia,
who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent vivian now (+601131427456 ).to get connected.

Agent Fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful . We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours .

Merissa Dari Malaysia said... Best Blogger Tips

Nama:::::[Merissa Ahmed]
Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
Alamat:::::[Jalan-Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang]

Nama saya Merissa, seorang ibu kepada dua anak saya dari Malaysia dan saya telah berada di Malaysia selama bertahun-tahun dan sehingga saat ini kesaksian ini saya masih berada di Malaysia. Salah satu masalah utama yang pernah saya hadapi dengan perniagaan saya ialah masalah kewangan dan pembiayaan semula dan ini menyebabkan saya mencari pinjaman dan akibatnya saya menjadi mangsa 2 pemberi pinjaman fiktif dan ini sebenarnya membuat saya trauma sampai tahap tertentu tetapi saya tidak pernah putus asa sehingga saya melalui blog dan juga media lain saya mempunyai peluang untuk menemui [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] pada awalnya saya berasa takut dan sangat skeptikal mengenainya, tetapi saya harus mengambil risiko satu kali yang akhirnya membawa kepada kebebasan kewangan saya. Saya benar-benar memohon pinjaman sebanyak [RM 450K] dalam masa 24 jam proses pembayaran berjaya dilakukan. Keseluruhan proses ini boleh dipercayai dengan jujur ​​dan boleh dipercayai, jadi jangan takut dengan pinjaman dalam talian hubungi [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] untuk mendapatkan pinjaman yang boleh dipercayai @ kadar faedah yang sangat rendah Anda boleh menghubungi mereka melalui alamat e-mel di bawah::
Atau jika anda ingin membuat lebih banyak pertanyaan, anda juga boleh menghubungi saya melalui e-mel ini: []

Nama:::::[Merissa Ahmed]
Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
Alamat:::::[Jalan-Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang]

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections.
Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia,
who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent Fatima now (+601131427456 ).to get connected.

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections.
Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia,
who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent Fatima now (+601131427456 ).to get connected.

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +601131427456 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +601131427456) for urgent hook up...

Merissa Dari Malaysia said... Best Blogger Tips

Nama:::::[Merissa Ahmed]
Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
Alamat:::::[Jalan-Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang]

Nama saya Merissa, seorang ibu kepada dua anak saya dari Malaysia dan saya telah berada di Malaysia selama bertahun-tahun dan sehingga saat ini kesaksian ini saya masih berada di Malaysia. Salah satu masalah utama yang pernah saya hadapi dengan perniagaan saya ialah masalah kewangan dan pembiayaan semula dan ini menyebabkan saya mencari pinjaman dan akibatnya saya menjadi mangsa 2 pemberi pinjaman fiktif dan ini sebenarnya membuat saya trauma sampai tahap tertentu tetapi saya tidak pernah putus asa sehingga saya melalui blog dan juga media lain saya mempunyai peluang untuk menemui [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] pada awalnya saya berasa takut dan sangat skeptikal mengenainya, tetapi saya harus mengambil risiko satu kali yang akhirnya membawa kepada kebebasan kewangan saya. Saya benar-benar memohon pinjaman sebanyak [RM 450K] dalam masa 24 jam proses pembayaran berjaya dilakukan. Keseluruhan proses ini boleh dipercayai dengan jujur ​​dan boleh dipercayai, jadi jangan takut dengan pinjaman dalam talian hubungi [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] untuk mendapatkan pinjaman yang boleh dipercayai @ kadar faedah yang sangat rendah Anda boleh menghubungi mereka melalui alamat e-mel di bawah::
Atau jika anda ingin membuat lebih banyak pertanyaan, anda juga boleh menghubungi saya melalui e-mel ini: []

Nama:::::[Merissa Ahmed]
Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
Alamat:::::[Jalan-Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang]

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +601131427456 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +601131427456) for urgent hook up...

Hookup Agency said... Best Blogger Tips

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050.

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +601131427456 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +601131427456) for urgent hook up...

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

+601131427456 The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601131427456

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women. This sugar mummy hookup organisation is for serious people only. Contact agent fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456

asia said... Best Blogger Tips

Gigolo services!!! WhatsApp +60149498950 GUARANTEED WEALTHY RICH SUGAR DADDY AND MUMMY/GAY/LESBIAN!!! Do you need sugar daddy/mummy for service? Contact Agent Fatimah WhatsApp +60149498950) You have sex with mummy and you Get paid for your services!!! RM5000-8000 two times in week and only pay for the registration fee rm1200 before hookup . Sugar mummy/daddy from MALAYSIA????/SINGAPORE????.

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

The best alliance agency sugar mummy and daddies hookup organisation in malaysia. Click on the link below to to contact agent Fatima on whatsapp
Boost your income, sugar mummy are beautiful, rich and single women and girls that need satisfaction. Sugar mummy will pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday
. please stop sending your money to fake agent in malaysia. Our sugar mummy hookup organisation is registered and approved by government, we are trusted and tested, secured, guaranteed, best in mummmy. kindly and quickly contact Mrs agent FATIMA now for your own Sugar Mummy Connection via WHATSAPP +601131427456 and don't forget to testify about her too to hookup with sugar mummy the only money you will pay to hookup is your registration fees, registration fee is very cheap
Mummies available in all this location now 
Kuala Lumpur 
Negeri Sembilan

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women. This sugar mummy hookup organisation is for serious people only. Contact agent fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections.
Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia,
who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent Fatima now (+601131427456

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections.
Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia,
who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent Fatima now (+601131427456

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +601131427456 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +601131427456) for urgent hook up...

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women. This sugar mummy hookup organisation is for serious people only. Contact agent fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

+601131427456 The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601131427456

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601131427456 SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +601131427456

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp +601131427456 and meet your mummy

Merissa Dari Malaysia said... Best Blogger Tips

Nama:::::[Merissa Ahmed]
Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
Alamat:::::[Jalan-Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang]

Nama saya Merissa, seorang ibu kepada dua anak saya dari Malaysia dan saya telah berada di Malaysia selama bertahun-tahun dan sehingga saat ini kesaksian ini saya masih berada di Malaysia. Salah satu masalah utama yang pernah saya hadapi dengan perniagaan saya ialah masalah kewangan dan pembiayaan semula dan ini menyebabkan saya mencari pinjaman dan akibatnya saya menjadi mangsa 2 pemberi pinjaman fiktif dan ini sebenarnya membuat saya trauma sampai tahap tertentu tetapi saya tidak pernah putus asa sehingga saya melalui blog dan juga media lain saya mempunyai peluang untuk menemui [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] pada awalnya saya berasa takut dan sangat skeptikal mengenainya, tetapi saya harus mengambil risiko satu kali yang akhirnya membawa kepada kebebasan kewangan saya. Saya benar-benar memohon pinjaman sebanyak [RM 450K] dalam masa 24 jam proses pembayaran berjaya dilakukan. Keseluruhan proses ini boleh dipercayai dengan jujur ​​dan boleh dipercayai, jadi jangan takut dengan pinjaman dalam talian hubungi [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] untuk mendapatkan pinjaman yang boleh dipercayai @ kadar faedah yang sangat rendah Anda boleh menghubungi mereka melalui alamat e-mel di bawah::
Atau jika anda ingin membuat lebih banyak pertanyaan, anda juga boleh menghubungi saya melalui e-mel ini: []

Nama:::::[Merissa Ahmed]
Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
Alamat:::::[Jalan-Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang]

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Meet rich mummy and daddy that can pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday . Contact Agent Fatima on
whatsapp (+601131427456 ).
We have an influential network of MUMMY AND DADDY ranging from Government Officials, Politicians, Executive, Money Bag Business Personality, Hotel owners, Engineers, Doctors, Gold Men and Women.
We have influential sugar Mummies and Daddies that will change your life. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections.
Get the opportunity to meet them. We have sugar mummies and daddies all over Asia,
who are willing to you RM8,000 and also Gift you,(whatsapp Agent Fatima now (+601131427456

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia. ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +601131427456 SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA,
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm8,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +601131427456

Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

BOOST YOUR INCOME!!! Contact agent Fatima on whatsapp by clicking this link

if you need sugar mummy. Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore finest, reliable dating agency with good track records. Our sugar mummies pay RM8000 per hookup everyday We have a wonderful influential network of clients ranging from government officials, politicians, executive, honorable s, oil barons, money bag business personality, hotel owners and gold men and women, and we have very influential connected sugar Mummies/Daddies, Gay and Lesbian all over Malaysia/Singapore. Be among the people to get our exclusive connections. We are the best reliable, efficient in our job, get the opportunity to meet them (whats-app agent Fatima on WhatsApp +601131427456 now to get connected within 2 hours . We have sugar mummies all over Malaysia/Singapore who are willing to lavish money on you, with gifts, cars, house and even contracts connections, and even assist you get a job, enter the entertainment industry and fashion industry, and also assist in getting loans, and financial assistance.what they need is sexual satisfaction and they pay for the services (whats-app No: +601131427456 payment from RM6,000 TO RM8,000 PER-NIGHT NOTE:APPLICANT MUST BE 17YRS AND ABOVE (whatsapp +601131427456) for urgent hook up...

Merissa Dari Malaysia said... Best Blogger Tips

Nama:::::[Merissa Ahmed]
Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
Alamat:::::[Jalan-Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang]

Nama saya Merissa, seorang ibu kepada dua anak saya dari Malaysia dan saya telah berada di Malaysia selama bertahun-tahun dan sehingga saat ini kesaksian ini saya masih berada di Malaysia. Salah satu masalah utama yang pernah saya hadapi dengan perniagaan saya ialah masalah kewangan dan pembiayaan semula dan ini menyebabkan saya mencari pinjaman dan akibatnya saya menjadi mangsa 2 pemberi pinjaman fiktif dan ini sebenarnya membuat saya trauma sampai tahap tertentu tetapi saya tidak pernah putus asa sehingga saya melalui blog dan juga media lain saya mempunyai peluang untuk menemui [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] pada awalnya saya berasa takut dan sangat skeptikal mengenainya, tetapi saya harus mengambil risiko satu kali yang akhirnya membawa kepada kebebasan kewangan saya. Saya benar-benar memohon pinjaman sebanyak [RM 450K] dalam masa 24 jam proses pembayaran berjaya dilakukan. Keseluruhan proses ini boleh dipercayai dengan jujur ​​dan boleh dipercayai, jadi jangan takut dengan pinjaman dalam talian hubungi [DUBAI FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY] untuk mendapatkan pinjaman yang boleh dipercayai @ kadar faedah yang sangat rendah Anda boleh menghubungi mereka melalui alamat e-mel di bawah::
Atau jika anda ingin membuat lebih banyak pertanyaan, anda juga boleh menghubungi saya melalui e-mel ini: []

Nama:::::[Merissa Ahmed]
Amaun Pinjaman::::[RM 450k.
Bandar:::::::::::::::::::[Kuala Lumpur]
Alamat:::::[Jalan-Bukit Bintang Plaza, Jalan Bukit Bintang]


Agent fatima said... Best Blogger Tips

Malaysia mummy hookup connection available. You are welcome to agency sugar mummy hookup organisation in Malaysia. Sugar mummies are beautiful and rich women and single girls that need urgent hookup. We are the best agency in Malaysia and Singapore. Sugar mummies pay you RM8,000 per hookup everyday. This agency sugar mummy hookup organisation is legit, registered and approved by government. If you are serious and ready to meet sugar mummy in your location message me on WhatsApp +601131427456 . Note: we connect 17YRS and above. We block stupid people. We respect serious customers.

Hookup Agency said... Best Blogger Tips

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-51599050 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-51599050 for your registration.

loanoffr said... Best Blogger Tips

Loan for developing businesses a competitive edge/ business expansion Our loan offer is 100% guarantee if you are serious. We offer loan at a minimum amount of $10,000 USD to a maximum amount of $50,000,000 USD and that at a low interest rate of 3% per year and for a maximum period of 15 years, this offer is only for customers who are serious. For more information about our loan offer please contact us by email:

Mia said... Best Blogger Tips

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp: +60139873279 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm7,000-Rm9000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp :+60139873279.

Hookup Agency said... Best Blogger Tips

Welcome to Malaysia dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp +60 11-2852 8870 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm10,000 to Rm20,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp : +60 11-2852 8870.

Hookup Agency said... Best Blogger Tips

Welcome to Malaysia/Singapore dating hook up the best place of meeting rich sugar mummy and daddy all over Malaysia..
ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN ASIA? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp: +601121042672 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm10,000-Rm20,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp :+601121042672

"ISKANDAR LENDERS" said... Best Blogger Tips

Adakah anda memerlukan Pinjaman tulen untuk menyelesaikan bil dan permulaan anda
perniagaan? hubungi kami sekarang dengan butiran anda untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik
Pinjaman pada kadar rendah 1.5% setiap e-mel Tahunan kepada kami:
Adakah anda memerlukan Kewangan Peribadi?
Kewangan Tunai Perniagaan?
Kewangan Tidak Bercagar
Kewangan Pantas dan Mudah?
Proses Permohonan Cepat?
Kewangan. Perkhidmatan yang diberikan termasuk,
*Kewangan Penyatuan Hutang
*Perkhidmatan Kewangan Perniagaan

Sila tulis semula jika berminat e-mel:[]

Mia said... Best Blogger Tips


Mia said... Best Blogger Tips


Hookup Agency said... Best Blogger Tips


Mia said... Best Blogger Tips

ARE YOU SEEKING FOR A WEALTHY SUGAR MUMMY/DADDY/LESBIANS/GAY/ IN MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE? ANYONE INTERESTED SHOULD CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp: +601121042672 or EMAIL: SUGAR MUMMY HOOKUP AGENCY IN MALAYSIA Any one interested should . The only true legitimate agency for people who are seeking for rich and wealthy sugar mummy/daddy/lesbian/gay in MALAYSIA, u can also have the opportunity to attend our sugar mummies parties and the executive ladies and men parties by contacting sugar mummy dating hookup agency in MALAYSIA, start calling now for hook up with one of our rich sugar mummy and sugar daddy from all walks of life, we cover all the states in MALAYSIA.Start calling now to get connected within 24 hours and make more money.
Note:Applicants must be 18years and above and must possess a good personality. A night with your mummy is Rm10,000-Rm20,000 when you are able to satisfy your mummy emotionally. CONTACT US VIA EMAIL: for urgent connection or CONTACT US VIA WhatsApp :+601121042672